The New Style

It's pretty darn safe to say it -- is a superior platform for my writing and photography.

Anybody who's been following my hikes for the past few years will tell you that. Hell, things are just downright pretty now. And let me tell ya, it aint easy to make a website full of photos of me look good!

A few things worth highlighting:

  • Comments: I've got a great comment system in place. At the bottom of each post is either a comment box ready to go, or a button that will open that box up for you. Click it! Use it! It works really well and I will do my best to read and address these.
  • Likes: Next to that good ol' comment button is a heart button. If you like what's been posted, click it! It takes no time to do, but from my editing interface I see how many likes a post has gathered mega easily.
  • That Third Button: That's my social media connectivity button. Clicking it opens up a small menu where you can link/repost what I've got on the site to tumblr, google+, reddit, stumbleupon, facebook, or twitter. All in a single click. You've never shared media so easily -- until now!
  • Tags and Categories: Each post allows me to add "categories" and "tags" to them. Then, these get posted along the right side of my entry. As I blog I'll re-use a lot of tags, people and locations, mainly. But! By clicking on a tag on the right of each post you will be directed to every post with that tag listed.
  • Additionally: The website actually looks good and is easily used from mobile platforms (aka, your space-age phones). I also recently just got myself one such device and while writing full blog posts may be tiresome on a cell phone, I can easily add pictures straight from my phone to my website to either update instantly, or save privately so I can later (like when I'm in town using a real computer) add them to fully formed blog posts.

Got a few comments or questions? Ask away!