Big Sky Deviants

I haven't hiked for over a week. And. I'm not remotely close to the Continental Divide. Actually, I'm about eight hundred and fifty miles via road from where Analog and I left the trail.*

Break time.

After leaving the lovely and rugged Wind River Mountains Analog and I worked our way to Dubios, WY. From there, we were left with options. The first option was continue following the "official" CDT route through the south-western side of Yellowstone National Park, stop at Old Faithful, then follow the trail west along the Idaho / Montana border and then eventual work back eastward. We heard that much of this hiking was difficult, but without rewarding views. Our second option, was to take a route along the eastern edge of Yellowstone and continue directly north. This route was significantly shorter and brought with it promises of exception scenery in the more rugged and less well traveled portions of Yellowstone. Without much deliberation, we chose the second option, known as the "Big Sky Variant".

Entering Yellowstone National Park

And. I highly recommend it to future thru-hikers because it is indeed beautiful.

However, that isn't to say it was easy hiking. We were well into grizzly country at this point and were forced to take the time consuming and sometimes frustrating precautions associated with that.

More so, it rained. It rained a lot.

And it was cold.

We hiked from Dubois north to the town of Cooke City, WY. Where we, again, did not hesitate to get a room, dry out, and then spend a second day drying out hoping for weather to improve.

It's one thing to be caught in a storm. It's another thing to deliberately hike into one.

We hitched back to the trail. Our ride, however, happened to be by some very generous folk who were slowly working their way to Nevada to attend the annual Burning Man festival. And so the seed was planted. We didn't have tickets. We didn't have transportation to Nevada. But, Analog and I did agree, that at least at this particular moment within our hike, the thought of an arts festival out in the Nevada desert was mighty enticing.

Analog emailed a friend and hiking buddy of his who has often attended and asked if he might know of any extra tickets floating around.

We continued to hike through more rain and ill weather. And, through herds of buffalo! In order to avoid more bad weather, and potentially scope some buffalo, we opted to walk a section of road through lower elevations within the park, thus avoiding a high ridge line, and potentially dangerous weather. Sure enough, we came across a lot of buffalo, and we found that while they have a healthy respect for large motor vehicles, they can be down-right aggressive towards us lonely bi-peds.

It was with the fear of being gored by buffalo that we may have performed a CDT first.

As we approached a herd, cars would slow to a crawl in order to navigate their way through the animals. We would then approach these cars, knock on their windows, and secure a quick ride hanging to the back of a tailgate or a jeep's side rails. It worked perfectly as we used the bulky vehicles to camouflage our pedestrian selves for a hundred yards until having passed the herd. Then a quick dismount, and on we would walk.

When we reached the in-park "town" of Mammoth Hot Springs we had to make a decision. We didn't have ticket confirmation or any firm details yet, because we didn't have phone service or internet access. But, we had judged that it had been a few days since we sent out the previous email and a response probably existed. We would have to spend an unplanned town day to find out, but again, it was rainy and cold, and we figured, "why not?"


We hitched north of the park to the town of Gardiner, MT. Made a few phone calls. Received a "yeah, I gotta check on a few things, but I think I can cover you two on tickets". And quickly arranged a work for lodging agreement with the local food pantry where we spent the day repackaging, labeling, and shelving food, as well as mulling over the pros and cons of leaving trail to attend a festival.

We both agreed, and for reasons I will further elaborate in the future, that we should take our chances, hitch to Reno, NV, and go to Burning Man. After which, we could then decide if we wanted to continue our hiking to Canada with the understanding that we had put ourselves behind schedule, or to transition, drop the CDT thru-hike, and explore the canyon lands of the southwest, or to call it a good summer and move on to the next adventure.

And so we set out to hitch from Gardiner, MT to Reno, NV, roughly 850 miles.


I've got a lot more for ya'll coming. Hitching, Burning Man, more hitching, and ultimately calling an end to the hike. It's been a lot to digest and so I'll leave the rest of the story for next time. Plus! I've got some general CDT thoughts I'd like to get out there for everyone on the world wide web, and possibly even some pointers (though I can't recommend you take any of them!)

* This post was originally started, but not completed, in Reno, Nevada on September 2nd, 2014.


The Continental Divide Trail is a trail of extremes. In the past ten days we have traveled from mountains, to desert, and back into the thick of it in the Wind River Range again.

Here's a look at the geographic changes and unpredictable weather of the Wyoming section of the CDT.

Analog, Wantsum, Chimp and Tootsie headed down the road north of Rawlins, WY.

We left Colorado and crossed into Wyoming. Mountains were abundant, but we descended more than we climbed. Shortly, almost as if looking over the edge of the Earth, the range descended into nothing but desert.

We found ourselves on the edge of the Great Basin.

What is the Great Basin? Well, it's a geological oddity (as far as I'm concerned) found along the Continental Divide where, essentially, the Divide splits into halves and makes a great big circle around a low lying area within. Hence, the name, "Great Basin". Rather than walking the circuitous route, the Continental Divide Trail takes hikers straight on through it. For much of the Great Basin portion of the CDT, you will travel, literally, straight through it.

Looks straight to me.

Water sources are scarce and shade is almost nonexistent. A 50 mile stretch did occur without the sight of a single tree. However, we did find the water sources that did exist to be much cleaner and more reliable than we had anticipated.

If you haven't seen my latest video, click here to see (and hear) what it looks like to hike the Basin!

Extreme environments yield extreme consequences.

Not expecting any rainfall while traveling through the Basin, the trail went ahead and pulled another fast one on us.

We were met with a day of high winds, low temperatures, and steady rainfall. While we were scorched for the previous three days, suddenly we were doing everything in our power to stay warm. Dry was out of the question, at that point.

As quickly as the Great Basin appeared before us, it seemed to disappear as we suddenly climbed into the foothills of the Wind River Range.

Seriously, check it out.

Towering mountains, fields of wild flowers, and pristine alpine lakes became our home again. The Wind River Range is one of America's hidden gems, for certain. It isn't a national park and doesn't receive a ton of national recognition. But, there is no doubt that the Winds are one of the most spectacular ranges within the bounds of the United States.

So far we've had an amazing trek through the Wind River Mountains. I couldn't ask for more. Additionally, Analog, Wantsum, and I joined forces with another group of hikers, who I refer to as "The Maytals", Tootsie, Chimp, Spork, and Kipper. It's been great fun to hike with some new faces!

It seems like Analog is always walking through fields of flowers....

We came into Pinedale, Wyoming to resupply three days ago. And.... Here I am, still in Pinedale, WY. Unfortunately, a pretty serious storm system moved in just as we arrived in town and it seems to have no intention of going anywhere. As much as I'm itching to move forward, the entire week's forecast ranges from bad to really bad. Which, for most people, is an inconvenience, but for us, it is potentially dangerous. With 90 miles to make it from here to our next town, leaving now, or yesterday, would have meant hiking through low temperatures, high winds, rain, and much lightning. Not for one day, but potentially for days on end without opportunity to dry any clothing or equipment throughout the stretch. Hypothermic conditions, to say the least.

Once again, the Continental Divide has decided that She will be calling the shots out here.

We intend to hike out tomorrow morning. Anticipating a full day of stormy weather, but with the knowledge that it should taper off the following afternoon allowing us to dry out and continue onward.

But for now, it looks like another day of calorie loading and mediocre movies.

Analog's tent illuminated by headlight as he reviews the coming day's terrain.